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Introducing Remy and Nova

Flexible and Secure Medication Adherence and Vitals Monitoring

Remy - The Multi-Dose Health Hub


The remedy for supporting anyone on a multi-dose regimen that needs assistance with medication adherence

Nova - The Single-Dose Health Hub


A novel approach for clinical drug trials or anyone on a single-dose regimen that needs support with medication adherence

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Supporting Senior Care

Medication non-adherence is the market problem that Bridge Health is addressing with Remy. 


  • It is a significant healthcare cost ($528 billion annually in the US alone).

  • 28% of ER visits are due to medication non-adherence.

  • By the end of the first year of treatment, 50-90% of chronic condition patients stop taking prescribed therapies.


40 percent of the global population is aged 55+, and this aging population is going to be a significant cost burden on the healthcare system in the US, Canada, Europe and across the world. Creative and innovative solutions are needed to support better medication adherence to provide opportunities to age in place and scale high-quality, consistent, and secure prescription and medication management.


Nova Clinical

Supporting Clinical Trials

Clinical trial sponsors confront significant challenges in ensuring that patients remain engaged and adherent, and that accurate patient data is available.

  • The wasted investment for patient non-adherence in a single trial is estimated at USD $20 million.

  • 30% of clinical trials fail due to medication non-adherence.

  • 40% of patients become non-adherent within 150 days into a clinical trial necessitating the inclusion of additional patients in a clinical trial to maintain statistical accuracy.

  • A 1% reduction in the number of patients required for a clinical trial would lead to an average saving of $336,000 per clinical.


Nova by Bridge Health is a complete health hub, featuring a secure software platform and a fully integrated, tamper-resistant, biometrically controlled pill dispenser and tracker designed with security and flexibility in mind.


It uses IoT technology so that it is ‘always-on-always- connected’ with no additional technology required. Nova accommodates all dosing schedules, and the clinical sponsor can load the medication within a disposable cartridge (without relying on any additional equipment or third party) and can ship the cartridge to the trial participant at their location.


Because Nova is a software-designed solution it accommodates cost and time- efficient customization at the sponsor and/or individual patient level including customized survey questions.


Nova Portable

Supporting Adherence for
High-Risk Medication

The misuse of drugs has been identified as one of today’s most pressing and costly societal problems:


In the United States:

  • More than a million people each year end up in the emergency room for taking prescription drugs incorrectly.

  • The misuse of prescription painkillers claims the lives of more than 40 people daily—more than the combined number of people dying from using heroin and cocaine.

  • The cost of treatment for addiction is significant – for example, the cost of methadone treatment (for opioid addiction) is $6,552 per year, per patient.


In Canada, the annual economic cost of opioid addiction is estimated to be $3.5 billion:

  • Almost half of those who abuse prescription opioids get them from friends or relatives with 60 to 70 percent of teens relying on the home medicine cabinet as the source of their drugs.

  • Studies suggest that up to one-third of people who take opioids for chronic pain misuse them, and more than 10 percent become addicted over time.


Nova Portable by Bridge Health is an adherence system for opioid and other high-alert prescriptions, featuring a secure software platform and a portable, tamper-resistant, tamper-detecting biometrically controlled pill dispenser and tracker that is designed with security and flexibility in mind.


The software platform controls who can access the medication, and when it can be accessed, tracks when the user accesses the medication, and detects attempts to tamper with the dispenser.


As a result of the integration between the dispenser and the software platform, Nova can support medication adherence and prevent  prescription drug abuse and diversion.  Any pharmacy can easily fill the dispenser’s cartridge and set up control of the dispenser through a secure and simple web interface that connects to the software platform.

If you are interested in learning more, let's get in touch!

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